Ucare Project has worked with a baby orphanage in Arusha, Neema Baby Home since 2013. Several of our board members got to experience the wonderful work they are doing during their time working as volunteers in Arusha. When a baby girl was abandoned at the hospital where they were working, Neema House took her in. Her name is Sara, she is now 1,5 years and is a happy, stubborn little beauty adopted by two loving parents.
Neema House Arusha (NHA) was started in 2012 to help abandoned, orphaned and at risk babies in Arusha, Tanzania. Since opening there have been 72 babies cared for through the home. This is the only home in Arusha that is dedicated solely to taking in infants, seeing as how the around-the-clock care that these small ones needs, is too expensive for most orphanages. At NHA they are loved and cared for.
Neema House strives to ensure that each child ends up with a loving family. The child may be returned to members of the family who could not care for an infant, or the child may get adopted into a new family. However, for some of the children, this is may not be possible. Some children need more care than their families can provide due to disabilities or diseases, and some children are not legally released for adoption.
At the moment, NHA has eight babies that cannot be adopted. NHA is meant to be a home for babies and some of these children are now becoming too old compared to their other “siblings”. They are effectively loosing their playmates and have other needs than the babies. We want to build a home for the unadoptable children; Ucare Family Home. This will be a home where the children lives together with a mother and a father, where they will receive the love, attention and care that they deserve.
(Paypal charges 2,80 NOK + 3,4% of donation in extra fees. We encourage you to pay through your bank account.)
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IBAN: NO4715036111493