In Project Kisumu we have built a Childrens Development center in Kisumu, Kenya. Ucare Maisha center opened on the 1st of December 2015. Today we have 204 children at the center. The center provides a safe environment where the children at greatest risk receive nurture. The children receive two meals per day. We want to increase their quality of life through contact with adults that have plenty of love to give, through social activity with other children, and to make sure they receive nutritious food. On a daily basis the center is in the capable hands of Judy, Maurice, Mama Mercy, Godfrey and Moses.
The center is administrated and run by Maurice. Maurice is from Kisumu, he is married, has three children and is a pastor in a local church. Maurice lost his mother during childbirth. Twelve years later, he became an orphan when he lost his father to HIV/AIDS. Maurice has experienced first hand the challenges orphan children in Kenya goes through on a daily basis. Maurice wants to dedicate his life to give children a better life. He says this is his calling in life.
Daily life at the center
With our center in Kisumu, we are helping Maurice realizing this dream. There are different activities such as singing, sports, games and dancing. We teach them to take responsibility for their own lives and become independent through education. They learn and take part in caring for others. The children receive teaching about nutrition, hygiene, agriculture and other relevant subjects. There are specific times of the day when the children are doing their homework in groups, because we believe in education as a key to fight poverty.
Some of the children at Ucare Maisha Center
in 2012 there were over 260 000 orphans in Kenya. (numbers from unicef)
100 000 of these have lost their parents to AIDS. (numbers from unicef)
without parents the childern are forced to take care of them selves. The older children often function as parents for their younger siblings.
orphans have little access to healt-care and many are not able to go to school. They experience shortage of food and become malnourished.
Maurice - management
our goals:
fighting for children´s rights.
no children should be without food.
children should have a right to education.
we work towards reducing malnourishment by ensuring their education, health and agriculture.